Contact Erie County Cares

To contact Erie County Cares, please complete the following form. Please be sure to include either phone number or email address for someone to get in touch with you. Our goal is to follow up within 24-48 hours.

* Required Field

Privacy Statement

Protecting your privacy is our priority. We store user input data sent through the contact forms on this website, along with meta information about the submissions, including the time stamp, the origin IP address, and the user agent (browser). The information is sent as email messages that only a select few are allowed to access. The information is also stored in the database on our hosting server for backup, follow up, and reference purposes. Also, third party services may collect information about website visitors. We currently use Google Analytics for the sole purpose of tracking metrics and ease of use. We don’t set a particular time limit on storing information because we need it for future reference. If you want your information to be removed from our database, please contact us. and it will be removed as requested.