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Legal Assistance

111 E Shoreline Drive, Sandusky, OH 44870
The Community Alternative Systems Agency [CASA], located in the Division of Long Term Care is staffed by employees of the Erie County Department of Social Services. CASA's primary function is to determine the appropriateness and necessity for Medicaid Long Term Care services and develop suitable care plans for community based elderly and/or disabled individuals in Erie County to remain as independent as possible.
247 Columbus Avenue, Suite 319, Sandusky, OH 44870
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Primary goal is to help victims of crime understand the criminal justice system and address any questions or concerns that may arise in the aftermath of a crime. The program consists of advocates that cover Common Pleas, Municipal, Juvenile, Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault/Child Abuse. All the advocates provide direct services to victims in Erie County. There is no charge for the services provided by the Victim Assistance Program.
Determine Your Eligibility
Applicants must meet the following criteria to apply for a Samfund grant:
You are a U.S. resident.
You are between 21-39 years of age.
You did not receive a Samfund grant in the previous grant cycle.
Additionally, you must meet one of the following criteria:
Completed active treatment with no evidence of disease.
You are one year past planned therapy with stable disease.
You are in remission and on hormonal therapy (such as Tamoxifen), in molecular remission and on long-term targeted therapy (such as Gleevec or Herceptin), or in remission and on immunotherapy.
Expect Miracles Foundation’s Samfund provides critical resources to young adult cancer survivors. They help young adults who are struggling with expenses through two grant categories: Financial Assistance Grants and Family Building Grants. They award Financial Assistance Grants twice per year to provide assistance for essential living expenses such as rent or mortgage supplementation, car payments, continuing education, fertility storage, and reconstructive procedures. They award Family Building Grants twice a year to help young adult cancer survivors cover expenses related to medical services such as IVF, IUI, gestational carrier, surrogacy, adoption, and fertility testing.
323 Columbus Ave, Sandusky, OH 44870
Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. The Court is closed for holidays.
109 W. Water St., Sandusky, OH 44870
LAWO proudly carries on the tradition of providing legal services as a nonprofit law firm charged with ensuring that the most vulnerable people in our communities have the same access to justice as people and companies who can afford to hire an attorney.
United Way of Greater Lorain County, 642 Broadway Ave., Lorain, OH 44052
(211) - or call (800) 275-6106
In Person assistance available by appointment at four Lorain County locations.
Led by the United Way of Greater Lorain County, the Lorain County Free Tax Prep Coalition is a group of individuals, non-profits, financial institutions, and government agencies, working to provide free tax preparation and filing as well as financial literacy resources specifically targeted for low and moderate-income households. Our volunteers are here to help low-to-moderate income families receive the refund they deserve. No residency requirements.
247 Columbus Avenue, Suite 319, Sandusky, OH 44870
247 Columbus Avenue, Suite 37, Sandusky, OH 44870
Monday-Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm
PO Box 12458 Toledo, OH 43606, 1825 W. Rocket Drive Toledo, OH 43606 - Physical address
(419) 684-8822 Ext. #1.
About the Clinic
The Toledo Tax Controversy Clinic provides assistance to taxpayers in handling disputes with the Internal Revenue Service. In order to give law students valuable experience in handling actual tax cases, the Clinic offers free representation to taxpayers who are involved with IRS audits, appeals, and collection matters. In certain cases, the Clinic represents taxpayers before the United States Tax Court. The Clinic negotiates and resolves contested matters with the IRS. Representation is offered to taxpayers who could not otherwise afford representation and also to a limited number of taxpayers in cases of particular educational merit, where the fee which would normally be charged by a tax practitioner could be expected to equal or exceed the amount of tax in controversy.
The Clinic is staffed by law students who are trained in tax law and supervised by the Clinic Director of the Toledo Tax Controversy Clinic who is a full-time practicing tax attorney and faculty member. Cases are accepted only when the proposed adjustments by the IRS are susceptible to further factual development or legal argument. The Clinic not only gives students significant attorney/client experience, it also fulfills the need of underrepresented taxpayers for free and competent legal representation.
The Toledo Tax Controversy Clinic receives referrals from various sources including attorneys, accountants, and the IRS. The IRS and U.S. Tax Court may send notices to taxpayers explaining services of the Clinic.
Intake Selection Guidelines
The Toledo Tax Controversy Clinic represents taxpayers in their disputes with the Internal Revenue Service or who have filed or intend to file a petition with the United States Tax Court.
The Clinic’s primary objective is to represent taxpayers who would otherwise not be able to reasonably afford legal representation. Most of the clients do not have income and assets sufficient to hire an attorney or other representative. Other cases are accepted where the issues involved have educational merit and where the amount in controversy is sufficiently low, such that hiring a representative would clearly not be cost effective.
The Clinic also increases the efficiency of the judicial and administrative process, by providing taxpayers with high-quality legal advice on relevant tax procedures and substantive tax issues, as necessary for the effective resolution of tax matters.
The Clinic offers a free one-hour consultation to taxpayers.
These consultations are offered to taxpayers who
have been advised that they are going to be audited by the IRS.
have received a letter from the IRS proposing a deficiency as the result of an audit,
have had a levy or tax lien filed against them by the IRS,
owe taxes to the IRS,
have legitimate refund claims and claims for audit reconsideration to be made to the IRS, or
have not filed tax returns.
The Clinic does not develop cases involving criminal tax charges brought by the U.S. Department of Justice, cases involving taxpayer participation in tax shelters, cases involving unreported foreign bank accounts and other foreign financial assets, or refund claims brought to the U.S. District Court or the Court of Federal Claims. The Clinic does not prepare tax returns for clients.